We live in a very toxic environment, and our healthcare system, food production system and insurance industry have all been hijacked to our detriment. For many of us, these toxins are what are causing us to be ill and to seek medical care. If the cause of your health problems is due to a buildup of environmental toxins rather than a deficiency of nutrients, you will need to reduce your toxic load in order to regain your health.
Plastics, pesticides, municipal water supplies, poor diets and even air are lined up to cause us harm. The two groups that we have most control over are the water we drink and the food we put into our mouths. To increase your odds of surviving cancer, we must drink clean filtered water and eat organically grown vegetables and meat products. We are the sum of what we eat and put in and on our bodies. The number one item to stay away from is refined sugar in all its forms. For sweetening I like to use naturally gathered honey or stevia. I often mix moderately with apple cider vinegar, water and lemon for a healthy refreshing drink. I also use Stevia to bake bread. It is natural, made by God, and healthy in moderation. The other mass produced sweeteners are best left on the table or better yet, thrown out. Refined sugar is fuel for cancer, so why feed a monster?
Here is a list to be aware of but the sugar industry is continually revising the names they use:
I’m so thankful for this Wise Men healing balm very well pleased my neuropathy it’s not bothering me thank GOD for this medication
In prehistory, fruits, dates, honey and molasses were very difficult to obtain, so our “wiring” would lead us to consume them when available. In this age of abundance we need to to control our natural instincts. I suppose science hasn’t decided yet about Stevia and Splenda. Best to enjoy moderation or avoid altogether.
Hmm? You are naming many made by God sweet foods like dates, molasses, fruit juice/ pure, so stevia is sweet but not recognized by the body as a sugar so it passes through…splenda is sugar with 1 hydrogen atom removed so the body does not recognize it…how is that any different? Please explain
Thanx Sherry
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